Have you always wanted to be a police officer or just learn about the law?
If you said yes, the Criminal Justice program is a great choice for you. Criminal Justice is responsible for serving and protecting the public and is often on the front lines and apprehending law breakers. In this program you will dive into interesting topics such as crash reconstruction, collection of evidence, and developing and questioning subjects while learning about the history and the purpose of the law.
Principles of Criminal Justice
Principles of Criminal Justice covers the purposes, functions, and history of the three primary parts of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. This course further explores the interrelationships and responsibilities of these three primary elements of the criminal justice system.
Law Enforcement Fundamentals
Law Enforcement Fundamentals critically examines the history and nature of the major theoretical perspectives in criminology, and the theories found within those perspectives, analyzes the research support for such theories and perspectives, and the connections between theory and criminal justice system practice within all the major components of the criminal justice system.
Corrections and Cultural Awareness
Corrections and Cultural Awareness emphasizes the study of American criminal justice problems and systems in historical and cultural perspectives, as well as discussing social and public policy factors affecting crime. Multidisciplinary and multicultural perspectives are stressed. Additionally, this course takes a further examination of the American correctional system; the study of administration of local, state, and federal correctional agencies.
Criminal Justice Capstone
The Criminal Justice Capstone course allows students to complete additional instruction to earn a postsecondary certificate and should include a work-based learning component such as job shadowing, internship, etc. once the core content is completed.